Tuesday 13 March 2012

Jom Serdang, Putrajaya, Kajang & Bangi People. Let's get some FREE LITCHIN!

Litchin Day @ Service Center Bangi ~ GET FREE 5 DAYS TRIAL ZERO COMMITMENT


Salam @ Hello all....

Are U one of these [atau mempunyai sedara mara dan kawan kawan cenggini] ::
1 ~ Berat melebihi 65kg
2~ Berumur 18-55thn
3~ Tak pernah cuba Litchin lagi before... [ni syarat HQ]
4~ Tinggal di sekitar Bandar Baru Bangi | Putrajaya | Kajang | Serdang dan sewaktu dengannya
5~ Free takdek aperhal melainkan kes hidup dan mati pada waktu event berjalan

If U are... kalau tak datang alangkah wasted!!! Apa? Tader transport? Taderhal, Zaza boleh arrange. Apa??? Hubby@Wife tak kasik? Hangkut dengan dia sekali, kita scan dengan dia dia sekali... haha~ Tanak jugak tataulah nak cakap apa.

LTICHIN yg diberi untuk trial ini adalah a NEW FORMULA with better performance.

~ Refreshment disediakan
~ Datang, scan komposisi badan, dengar taklimat pengenalan for 30 mins, amik gambar 'BEFORE' [utk rekod HQ] then dapatkan FREE 5 sachet Fiber + 10 sachet Enzim yg bernilai RM200++ FOR FREE.

Host :: Butik Emas Sutera, Kompleks Bangi Utama [Warta@Giant] Bandar Baru Bangi
SMS @ Call 011.12383188 for more info.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Litchin Goes Mobile!

Salam all,

Crown Director Zaza hj Zulkifle telah pulih 90% dari surgery & 70% dari Pancreatitis-nya dan sekarang kembali bergiat aktif memperkenalkan Litchin kepada masyarakat.

Zaza boleh datang kepada anda sekiranya anda mahu membeli Litchin dan berada di sekitar Kuala Lumpur [preferably central location], Serdang, Cheras dan terutama sekali BANGI & PUTRAJAYA pada waktu, tempat & hari yg dipersetujui bersama. Call@SMS her at 011-12383188 for appointments.

Litchin dengan formula baru ini telah terbukti boleh menurunkan berat badan sebanyak 1kg-3kg dalam 5 hari, ini dibuktikan oleh mereka yang telah menikmati FREE 5 DAYS Trial ketika Litchin Day. We will have MORE Litchin Dats, look forward to it!

Monday 2 January 2012

Apa Relevan-nya Pengambilan Air 5 liter sehari semasa mengambil Litchin?

Ramai yang rasa berat nak minum air banyak-banyak semasa kami beri konsultasi tentang litchin. Sebenarnya bukan masa makan Litchin je kita perlu minum banyak air ni.... tapi setiap hari! Dan minum air janganlah terlebih banyak pulak, nanti letih buah pinggang kita nak bekerja... 5 liter tu dah cantik dan memadai.

Ini antara sebab-musababnya....
  • Lemak adalah berbentuk ASID. Untuk meneutralkannya secara semulajadi tanpa merengsakan perut, AIR adalah bahan terbaik
  • Untuk mengganti semula AIR yg keluar melalui perpeluhan yang banyak, pengeluaran najis dan urea
  • Untuk mengekalkan suhu badan
  • Untuk mengelakkan rasa tidak selesa
  • Untuk mengelakkan sakit tekak
Dan banyak lagi sebab.... berjumpalah dengan Konsultan anda untuk berbincang mengenainya.

Tip :: Jangan minum terlalu banyak air pada satu masa, sebaliknya bahagikan 5 liter air sehari itu kepada bahagian bahagian kecil throughout the day untuk mendapatkan kesan yang lebih baik!  Untuk para ibu yang menyusukan anak, anda perlu minum lebih banyak air lagi [minimum 6liter] kerana penyusuan anda menggunakan lebih banyak air dari orang biasa. tetapi jangan exceed 7 liter air sehari untuk mengelakkan buah pinggang cepat rosak pulak...

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Fahami apa itu Radikal Bebas dan Apakah peranan Anti-Oksidan seperti HiOXY menentangnya

Free Radicals create a destructive process in our cells, causing the molecules within the cells to become unstable. They may even be a big player in the formation of cancerous cells by a “chain-reaction” effect, causing other cells to become damaged. Because of the inherent instability of free-radicals, they try to attack other healthy cells to get stable themselves. This then causes the once-healthy cells to react in the same way, attacking others in an never-ending attempt for cellular stability.

In layman’s terms, free-radicals are bullies that start pushing everybody around, and encourage nice cells to become bullies as well. Just like most conflicts, the results are “free radical waste products” made up of our broken, injured and deformed cells. If our cells are weak, it is natural that our organs, tissues and skin of the body will likewise become weakened.

As you can imagine, oxidative damage plays a huge role in many of our modern-day diseases, such as muscle and tissue degeneration, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, as well as many other health problems. You are exposed to free radicals as a normal bi-product of regular bodily processes, like breaking down the food we eat, taking toxic medicines, as well as through exposure to pollutants. In addition, over-exposure to the sun (sunburn) and smoking can also increase your body’s need to oxidize and create free-radicals. Antioxidants stop this cellular chain reaction of oxidation by neutralizing the free radicals.

Many plants and animals keep large amounts of antioxidants on hand, due to their role in preventing cell damage, as well as their ability to repair damaged cells. Studies have shown that antioxidants can play a role in reducing the cell-damage of free radicals.

Moreover, the US National Cancer Institute has stated that preliminary research in lab animals has shown that “antioxidants help prevent the free radical damage that is associated with cancer.” Many experts feel that increased antioxidants in the body can also help slow the process of aging, and may even increase longevity.

If berries, mangoes etc are a good source of Antioxidants, why don't I just eat them then?

Well there's such thing as ORAC level. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples in vitro. Another answer to this is, can U spontaneously EAT mangosteen's peel? Well, the mangosteen in HiOXY includes the pericarp as well as the whole fruit and the skin. The pericarp is in the rind of the Mangosteen and contains most of the antioxidant Xanthones!

Testimonial HiOXY - Puan Norlina Che Man